Amy never misses
class and you can tell she really wants to be here. She always sits up tall in
her sit and talks a lot in class. She give off an air of self confidence, she
is a woman of many untold truths. You can tell that she takes school very
serious, she wants good grades and to learn. She’s not just going to school
because it’s the next thing to do or it’s what she is supposes to do, she wants
She tends to
speak first then, realizes that her foot in her mouth so she has to stop and
back track to make sure she didn’t hurt anyone feelings. She can be quick to
judge and forgive; she lets the true you come out. She is “quick with a joke
and a light for your smoke.” Amy is free spirited and closed minded at the same
time. If you want a friend for life show your true colors and she will accept
you forever.
Starts strong, tends to vague out in graf 2, which demands examples for sentences 1 & 2 at least. Some prompts jazz writers, others don't--that's my read here.