Monday, November 28, 2011

Sex, drugs, rock and roll! week 12

I don’t understand why everyone dreams of being a rock star when they grow up. That life looks so unappealing, sleeping on bunk bed in the back of a bus or in a different hotel bed every night. It would be nice to have men and women for that matter throw themselves at you all the time, but that so much presser. Did you choose the prettiest one, the one that’s least crazy and the one that doesn’t secretly want to kill you? The next hard choose is do you secretly record yourself having sex and put it on the internet, will this help your career or hurt it. You may never know.
            The life of a drug user can’t be pretty, a life revolving around your next fix. I don’t want to have to worry about shitting myself, and looking like death warmed over. I don’t think I could ever do a drug that’s named after my own ass. I by no means live my life on the strait and narrow but I like who I am and don’t want a bunch of drug changing me into another person. Well unless I get paid a crap load of money then I would reconsider.      
The life of a rock star or any star for that matter must so changeling you are constantly being judged and criticized. There is no way to make everyone happy, I know this is true in everyone life. But my audience is very small and I know they will love my anyway, that isn’t true for the rock star. 

1 comment:

  1. Aw, c'mon! Admit it would be fun, at least for a week or two!
