Monday, September 26, 2011

Rewrite - What would you like to be paid to talk about?

Over the years I have wanted to be many things florist, psychologist, garbage man/woman, business owner, banker, environmental conservation and a consultant. Pretty much all of them have faded way, the only one that still would like to be is a consultant. But a consultant of what you may ask? Well of my own opinion, it would kind of be like a life couch. Today’s my first client; we sit down and get right to it.
“What would you like to start with?” I say.
“A lot has happened in the last year, I have married the man of my dreams, graduated from college and we bought our first home.” My client starts. “Now I’m suppose to just live all the work should be done. But it just isn’t falling into place.”
Without her going any further, I know where the brake down is. I explain a few facts about life some of us just don’t know.
“Everything we do in life is going to be work, with a divorce rate of about 50% that’s the one relationship people don’t want to put the hours into. If he is the man of your dreams, then you should be the woman of his dreams. Some people say within your marriage, the best thing to do is put your spouse first I don’t agree, you need to put yourself first (that is until you have children, then everything changes). A healthy relationship is about give and take. Before you even get married you need to know what your deal breakers. An example do you want children and he doesn’t. Do not, I repeat do not marry him and think you can change him. That also goes for him also. I believe that a successful career is easier to obtain then a successful marriage. Remember that you are two different people trying to live a joint life; this will not work without a well thought out plan and knowing that it will be changing all the time.”
“Just because you have a college degree doesn’t mean that a dream job comes with it. All we can hope for is that a job comes at all. Sometime in our lives we have to take a job that is below us, think of every job as a work experience. No one is too good to clean toilets or serve people food. The only thing a college degree entitled you too is a bill, but it can give you the skills to find better opportunities.”
“My mom has given me some great advice over the years and I would like to share one tidbit with you, we need to live within our means. Just because we want something or we feel like we have worked really hard doesn’t mean that we needs a new car every two years or all the new toys. Credit cards are not an extra paycheck.”
“I know that this was just general information and we need to back up and do one thing at a time. We need to make a plan that will work best for you and your needs. I think the first thing is the job, what kind of work would you like to do?”  

1 comment:

  1. Aha, that works much much better--now we really know what you'd like to be paid to do! Pretty darned good advice too, but, sadly, good advice often crashes against the hard rock of twisted human nature....

