Thursday, September 22, 2011

11. Try an I-said, he/she said conversation. Set the scene somehow.

It’s a Tuesday; I’m at work just like every week. We are close to the end of the day so Joe, Tom and I have started our closing duties. We are in a small kitchen so we can easily talk while we work. I’m back to my fellow employees when I hear Tom ask Joe
“Do you think a banana peel is really as slippery as on T.V.?”
A smile crept onto my face I know that this is going to be a good conversation.
“Well if you rub the peeling against themselves they are pretty slippery” Joe replied.
He cont “So yeah Tom I do believe that that they are pretty slippery” I could hear Tom laughing over the soapy dishes.
“Which do you think would be more slippery the banana or the peel?” I said wanting to expand on the conversation.
“Amy what the hell, the stuff we talk about at work.” said Tom.
“Tom I really want to know” I said in a very sarcastic tone.
I turn around to see Joe, he was really thinking about the question then he states
“Is it a green banana? What floor surface is the banana peel on? There are a lot of factors that need to be known before I can answer this question.”
At this point I know I started something I need to stop or it will go on forever.
“Joe there is no factors, just one or the other. The peel or the banana?” I ask.
“Well I’ll go with the peel.” Joe answers.
“I think it would be the banana” I say.
I look over to Tom he is shaking his head.
“No one would believe the stuff we talk about at work”

1 comment:

  1. Nice--a very believably weird conversation--the speech sounds like real speech, there is definite closure to the piece.

    Peel, in my opinion.
