Monday, December 5, 2011

Fishing for fun (week 14)

1)      Buy your license or not. As long as you’re ok with a fine if caught.
2)      Pack a cooler with water and food or just beer.
3)      Find someone with a boat (hopefully it has a motor) and a truck to pull it with.
4)      On the way to the lake buy some bait.
5)      Once at the lake safely place the boat in the water and then carefully get into the boat.
6)      This is the key to good fishing; you need to drive the boat around till you get a feeling that there are fish in the spot. Or you could do a little trolling while you find the fish.
7)      After you have found the spot now it’s time to place the bait on the hook. Please keep in mind this could be a little gross but the fish really like those warms.
8)      Now is the perfect time to open a beer or whatever you maybe drinking.
9)      Casting your line can be a little tricking the best advice is to keep it away from your friends’ faces.
10)  Now this is when the fun really starts, you just sit and wait. We know there are fish here because remember back to step 6 and the feeling you had. This is when it gets put to the test.
11)  When you feel a little tug on the line, we are all hoping that it’s a fish because it could also be a stump, plants or just about anything. At this point you may also get that feeling, if you do then go with it.
12)  Let the line out slowly then give it a quick pull. Now we start reeling it in.
13)  Yeah it’s a fish. Now you let it flop around on the bottom of the boat for a little while.
14)  Unlucky for you this is a Yellow Perch, cute but you don’t want to eat it.
15)  Now we have two ways to get the fish of our hook. There’s the nice way and then there’s the lazy way. Let’s go with the nice way first, watch out the gills they are very sharp, place fish in your hand hold it as tight as you can so it doesn’t move around and gently pull the hook out or the lazy/very mean way is to beat the fish off the side of the boat till he falls off your line.
             16)Now it’s time to repeat step 6 through 16 over and over till you get the fish you want or the sun         starts going down.

1 comment:

  1. Phew, not much of a fisherperson, eh?

    These mock instructions do the job very nicely, working the sarcasm in subtly and conveying your distaste for the whole process. You control the tone perfectly, always tricky with humor and sarcasm, staying on the right side of the line (on the wrong side of the line, the reader feels manipulated and forced to accept the writer's view and so resists the writing.)
