Monday, December 5, 2011

Fishing for fun (week 14)

1)      Buy your license or not. As long as you’re ok with a fine if caught.
2)      Pack a cooler with water and food or just beer.
3)      Find someone with a boat (hopefully it has a motor) and a truck to pull it with.
4)      On the way to the lake buy some bait.
5)      Once at the lake safely place the boat in the water and then carefully get into the boat.
6)      This is the key to good fishing; you need to drive the boat around till you get a feeling that there are fish in the spot. Or you could do a little trolling while you find the fish.
7)      After you have found the spot now it’s time to place the bait on the hook. Please keep in mind this could be a little gross but the fish really like those warms.
8)      Now is the perfect time to open a beer or whatever you maybe drinking.
9)      Casting your line can be a little tricking the best advice is to keep it away from your friends’ faces.
10)  Now this is when the fun really starts, you just sit and wait. We know there are fish here because remember back to step 6 and the feeling you had. This is when it gets put to the test.
11)  When you feel a little tug on the line, we are all hoping that it’s a fish because it could also be a stump, plants or just about anything. At this point you may also get that feeling, if you do then go with it.
12)  Let the line out slowly then give it a quick pull. Now we start reeling it in.
13)  Yeah it’s a fish. Now you let it flop around on the bottom of the boat for a little while.
14)  Unlucky for you this is a Yellow Perch, cute but you don’t want to eat it.
15)  Now we have two ways to get the fish of our hook. There’s the nice way and then there’s the lazy way. Let’s go with the nice way first, watch out the gills they are very sharp, place fish in your hand hold it as tight as you can so it doesn’t move around and gently pull the hook out or the lazy/very mean way is to beat the fish off the side of the boat till he falls off your line.
             16)Now it’s time to repeat step 6 through 16 over and over till you get the fish you want or the sun         starts going down.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

65. In the drawer is a box made of carved and joined bits of driftwood, which holds objects meaningless to anyone else but sacred, precious, unforgettable to you... week 13

          I have a jewelry box full of thing I never ware, but I can’t get ridge of any of them.
One silver dangle earring with an olive green stone in the middle, I must have lost that earring 10 years ago, I keep it in hopes it mate may turn up. One pink quartz dragon, the necklace broke at the bar a long time ago. The dragon has a hold of me and isn’t letting go. A little deeper down is a white gold necklace, which my mother gave me for graduation. She has one that looks exactly the same but hers is gold. One silver anklet that has bells on it, I smile and think of all the noise I made back in my hippie days music and freedom. My broken engagement ring a moment of love and a promise of forever. Then I pick up earring that I have never worn it’s a small circle of fake diamonds with a tiny black stone in the middle. My grandfather gave then to me when I was about my son’s age. I have never felt that special till the day my son gave me a gift of his own. I dig all the way to the bottom and pull it out. There in my hand I hold a finally crafted necklace that Garrett created. It’s made up of plastic beads, all the colors of the rainbow. The necklace is by far too small to be worn everyday but much too valuable to be given away.   

Week 13 Theme (Big to small, small to big)

I can’t wait to go out; it’s been forever since I go dressed up for Halloween. Sara and I have decided that we didn’t want to dress up like a sluty anything so we decided on classy looking zombies. We bought some face paint and fake blood then we went to Goodwill to buy cheap cloths. We got them all dirty and splashed them with blood.
           I drove us to our first place Zen in downtown Bangor. Once I got there I understood that Sara and I where only a few that didn’t have half of our bodies uncovered with some cuties wooties outfit.  This made me happy and a little self conscience all at the same time. I would like to point unwise decision number one we started drinking Red bull and vodka. One turned into two and then three. Now I’m all loosened up and we get our dance on.
           Thank god we have a DD; off we go to our next establishment Barnaby's AKA the barn yard.  Thinking I would slow down on the old drinking I switched to beer. This place was crazy packed, then ha giant blow up penis walks by how could this night get any crazier. Of course we have to dance with this guy and we get low on the dance floor. This is when I start forgetting bit and pieces of my evening. Second unwise decision shots, because shots and I never end well.
           I wake up in bed. My head is really fuzzy this is when the question of last night starts. How did I get PJ’s on, did I wash my face, what the hell happened last night? I get up to use the bathroom my head is spinning I feel like I’m going to throw-up. I look in the mirror I did get the make-up off, my eyes are blood shot and I have huge bags under my eyes. I need to lie down and fall back to sleep. Before I fall back in to my hang over comma I decided that I hate Vodka.          

67. This fist has got pow-pow-POWer! week 13

            When I think of power and control I think of my son Garrett and I’m sure this is true with any parent regarding their children. It all starts when they’re a baby and they control you with their cries and there constant needs. For a better term you are at there beacon call and have to bend to there ever need.   
            Then they get a little older and you constantly worry about there safety, are they going to eat something poisonous or fall and need stitches. You have to make sure they are eating a balanced diet and getting enough sleep. You say no and mean no and then you see those big beautiful eyes that say pretty pretty please. Sometime without even knowing its happening you change your mind. 
            Then one day you look at them and they are ten and they control what you eat, how much you sleep and what your weekends are filled with. You worry about them getting good grades in school and if they have healthy relationships with their friends. You want to make sure they don’t get bullied at school but you also have to make sure they aren’t a bully either. After your child is born you unknowing hand your control and power over. You love them without question and your love is endless.